Saturday, December 20
Michaels Loot
Saturday, December 6
Finished Cloth & Clay Doll and My Art Show
I roughed her up a little bit so she wouldn't look too perfect. I did that by rubbing an oil pastel on my fingers and smudging it over her skin, hair, and cloths. I'm not as happy as I could be with her skirt. I folded the top over to make it look a little more finished and used spray adhesive to hold it down. I wish I'd have just left it alone. It looked better before. Oh well....ya live, ya learn. I'm doing a weighted, standing doll now. I already had the sand for a different project, so I'll just use that.
If you happened to catch my other blog you know about my new "art show". (lol @ me calling it a show) It's just me sitting in front of my web-cam making art. If you tuned in yesterday and day before you'd have seen me sewing Mrs. DoLolly's skirt and giving her a final varnish. I don't have a set schedule yet. I do plan to come up with one. Maybe something like Lunch to 5:30 Monday-Friday. We'll see. Anyway check it out: Rischa's Art House
I've added a new Links list on the right side for my Cloth & Clay Doll Classmates. Look under "Doll Peeps" and go give them a look. While you're there leave them a comment. Blog folks love getting comments! ;-)
Also, now joining the world of blogs is my Mommy Dearest. Go tell her hello if you have a sec!
Tuesday, December 2
Doll WIP more...
She needs more personality. I'm working on it. I'm pretty tired, so this is a short one. See ya!
Tuesday, November 25
Meet Cynthia May DoLolly
I really enjoy playing with this clay. I think I'd like to do it more often. I could maybe even make my own clay bowls and paint them? I don't know, but I do know I enjoy it. How do you like her name? Mrs. DoLolly is the matriarch of the DoLolly family. She will have many sons and daughters. Perhaps that's why she has a double chin? Ha!
Monday, November 3
The Weekend Artist / Artful Spaces
I have a little update for you today. Remember THIS entry I posted where I whined about how bad I wanted to buy The Weekend Artist? Well, a couple of months ago the artist of that book commented underneath that entry. Cool, right? I thought so! If you're too busy or lazy to go check it out, here's what he says, "Hello there! I actually am Gerard Smith, author of the Weekend Artist, and someone told me about your blog at work today. Thank you so much for your interest. I have been told that the book will be published by F+W Media in the USA next April or May, but you can get it on the UK Amazon site. Their site is:www.fwpublications.comThere are also a couple of projects on YouTube that were taken from a pilot I filmed about 3 years ago. Just search under 'Art Shop Guy' on YouTube and they should come up.All the best with your art. I love the dreamy quality of your work and how motivated you are.Reading your comments really has made my day!Gerard Smith"
Soooo....being the YouTube junkie that I am....
Be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of my blog to turn off the music before watching any videos. I really enjoyed that first episode. I'll watch the rest when I have a chance. I haven't watched my class videos yet for the Cloth & Clay Doll Workshop, so all in due time. ;-) I did go ahead and subscribe since, like I said, I AM a YT Junkie! I should say YT Artist Junkie. I'd love to make my own videos some day, but that's another thing to learn......adding to my numerous list of "To-Do's".
So anyway, today Gerard stopped by the ole blog again with an updated that I'm pretty darn excited about....
"G'day, its Gerard Smith again. Just thought I'd let you know that my book is now listed on US Amazon. For some strange reason the name has changed to Artful Spaces, but as far as I know the content is still the same. Here's the link: Hope you and your art are going well!Gerard Smith"
Woohoo! Guess what I'll be purchasing! And did you see that price? $16.49!! Even I can afford that! Yep, yep!
Thanks for stopping by and letting me know, Gerard! I'm honored that the author himself would grace my blog with his presence. ;-) Seems like a cool guy......go buy his book!
I've been quite busy the past few days and have not had a chance to finish my Blue Haired Birdy Girl. The Doll workshop started on the 1st, as well, which puts me.....what.....2 or 3 days behind assuming everyone else started on the 1st. I doubt it, though. I think I could make the doll in a few days and the workshop is up for a month. If I had a day job I wouldn't be that confident.
Thursday, October 30
A WIP and Play Time
....and here is the result of some play time with Water Soluble Oil Pastels:
Okay, so it's not stunningly gorgeous, but it was fun. It was my first time using WSO Pastels. I enjoyed playing with them. I highly recommend you pick some up. I got them at an office supply store per Suzi Blu's suggestion to use them on our Mixed Media pieces for her class. SOOOOO fun! They look like crayons, but act more like watercolor pencils. You can use them wet or dry. You can also smudge them just like regular oil pastels. The brand name that I got is Portfolio. They're in a green package and cost about $10. If any of you happen to go buy them and use them I'd love to see what you create! Link to your image in my comments! I plan to use them in the background of the Blue Girl Birdie Love painting.
Tuesday, October 28
My Angel
Can you see her? It's hard to see when there's only pencil, I know. I think I'll give her pink hair. Or maybe purple or blue? Who knows, but it'll be a bit funkier than the other girls. Or maybe just black? I haven't tried a black-haired girl. Nah.....I'm going with funky colors. lol And maybe an oddball tree, too?? Don't know yet, but we'll see what my muse tells me. Wanna see my muse?
Here she is....
Hehe.....gotta have a sense of humor.
Bye all!
Friday, October 24
Skiesart Sharon & Shopping at JoAnn's Fabric
In other art related news, I ventured off to JoAnn's Fabric to get the supplies for the Cloth & Clay Dolls class that starts next week. Big surprise....they didn't have Creative Paperclay or even basic pottery tools. I wish they'd open a Michael's closer than Sanford. So anyway, I have to get those online. The cheapest I've found it is, but they sure think a lot of their shipping. They charge regular shipping, which is whatever UPS or USPS charges, plus a $7.95 charge for their part unless you get the most basic shipping, which is still 11:95. I may check out the other places and go into the check-out to see what their S/H charges are before buying. I don't mean to sound cheap, but the supplies list for these classes can sometimes be pretty long. I'm trying to do my due diligence before getting the more expensive items. lol
Thursday, October 23
Suzi Blu Wood Burning & My Photos on Imagekind
Tuesday, October 14
Finished Autumn Owl Girl
And here's a closer look:
For the background there is a first layer of a deep yellow wash. I used yellow with a tiny bit of red and brown to make it warm looking. Then I painted leaves onto watercolor paper with colored pencil and acrylic paints, cut them out, and Mod Podged them onto the painting. Then I used acrylic paint again with stamps for the next layer. Then I antiqued the edges and random areas with Walnut Ink. Oh, and I painted the outside edges dark brown so it wouldn't need to be framed. Joel wanted me to wait to give her Beeswax because he wants to watch how it goes on. Her "diamond" necklace is an acrylic gem. It really sparkles, but it doesn't show that in the photo. Thanks for visiting! :-)
Saturday, October 11
Cloth & Clay Doll Workshop
Another WIP
The owl is made of scrapbook paper. I added paint and antiqued it a bit, too. I haven't actually affixed it to the painting yet, but I will. I also have some other drawings on watercolor paper that I've cut out and will apply to the painting.
Here's a shot of my little work area:
It's a mess, isn't it? It gets the job done, though. Not the prettiest area to have in a living room,'s necessary.
Ok, I'm off for now. Check back soon as I have info on another class I'm taking. It's on how to make clay dolls. It should be fun! :-)
Monday, October 6
My Dream Girl
Everything is done except the stars will go on as I apply the wax. It's hard to see in the photos, but every other house is made of modeling paste. There is also sparkle paint over the crown and the edges are painted black.
Some close-ups...
Hey, look at that! They're not at the top of the post! I clicked the image and dragged it down. Now if only I can remember that for next time. lol
Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, September 29
" opportunity for the mind to be quiet."
Monday, September 1
My Pretty Girls
Find more photos like this on Mixed Media With Suzi Blu
Sunday, August 31
Willowing-10 Rules
So yeah, I've been YouTubing again. I knew I had to share this one with my blog readers when I watched it today. Actually, any of this girl's videos are fun to watch, but this one is a must! It's Charlie Chaplin-ish and SO incredibly cute, funny, thought provoking, and worth the time to watch and listen. I'll shut up and just post it already......
See? Didn't I tell ya? Do you have an inner-critic? I know I do! And I want to do the same thing to mine that she does to hers! I loved that part of the video! Oh, and did you come up with your own new word for today? I did! Smellitellahobinoff! Which means, If I don't get off this computer and go take my shower now I'll start to attract flies! LMBO Not really, but I am about to go take my shower. Bye now!
Friday, August 29
SuziBlu Love
Friday, August 22
Another Beeswax Video Tutorial
Here is her Beeswax Tutorial:
Sealing Paintings With Beeswax
Sunday, August 10
The Weekend Artist
Thursday, July 31
Couple of Paintings
First up is a beach scene done entirely with a pallet knife. That was fun!
Thursday, July 24
Humming Birds
Check out this ridiculously cool animated drawing:
Click to see hummer drawing
And if this inspires you to draw your own hummer, you might find this tutorial useful:
Click for Tutorial
I have tried to photograph hummers before with no luck. I bought 2 feeders and didn't see the first one. All I got was a bunch of bugs that sting drinking from the feeders. LOL Maybe it was the wrong time of year? Maybe the humming birds drink in the morning, while night owls like me are sleeping? Who knows! But if you'd like to build your own feeder, here are some instructions for you:
Feeder Instructions <----click there!
Or maybe your art of choice is cross stitching? Yep, I have a link for you, too!
Pattern <-----Click there then print it!
As you may have figured by now, I'm cheating a little bit with this post. I found a whole page worth of Humming Bird info, art, and eye-candy. You can find the ORIGINAL page below:
The Original!! <---Don't click there yet............okay, NOW click! :-P
Yeah, I could have just offered up THAT link to begin with, but then I would have had nothing to post! You all like reading all of my yammering, don't you? Come on....lie to me and tell me you love it! You know you do!
Sunday, July 13
Vinyl Art
No art in any form from me lately, unless you count the pile of brushes beside my easel as art? Nah....didn't think so.
Wednesday, June 4
My latest painting...
Thursday, May 22
Darrell Crow
Okay, I'm off to bed. I think my Unisom has finally kicked in. Night all!
Saturday, May 17
Art Related Freebie
I normally wouldn't put up my extras for download here at my art blog, BUT they ARE Art related. See, the little bear is painting! If you'd like to download these extras CLICK HERE. I don't claim these graphics. I didn't create them. I only put them together in a tag using Paint Shop Pro. ;-) Enjoy!
Monday, May 12
Happy Mother's Day!
Monday, April 28
Virtual Palette
Ebay is dangerous!
I just LOVE the style of this artist! She and seller Stewalynn Studios are the two I keep watching. Check them both out.....but NO bidding against me! :-P