Sunday, December 1

Tracy Verdugo and Paint Mojo St. Petersburg

Tracy doing a demo.

I have been procrastinating writing up this post about Paint Mojo St. Pete since October 22nd, the day we arrived home. I don't know if I can do the experience justice in a simple blog post. Also, my perfectionist tendencies get in the way of me blogging about things that are important to me. This workshop ended up being one of the most memorable experiences of my life! Memorable in the best possible way, of course. I'll just start at the beginning and hopefully I can remember most of what I'd like to talk about. I know I can't remember it all since it has been over a month, but I'm giving myself permission to be okay with that.

So, to start off with I should tell you I wasn't even on the list of participants for this workshop as it filled up before I knew about it. I wrote a comment on Tracy's blog saying that I wish I had known about the St. Pete workshop in time to sign up. She then sent me a message on Facebook asking if I'd like to be added to the wait list. Of course I said, "Yes, please!". I didn't really expect to get into the workshop because I know how much people love her and her work. To my surprise and excitement she sent me an email shortly after that asking if I'd like to take the workshop! Of course I did!! I don't think I slept a wink that night because of the excitement. I called my mother, who promptly shared in my excitement so much that she asked to also be added to the wait list. And guess what! She got in a couple of weeks later! Joel and I decided to make it a family vacation and booked a small (adorable) blue house in Pass A Grille. Pass A Grille is a quaint little place just south of St. Pete. So, long story slightly shorter, Mom, Joel, Kole, the doxies, and I headed Southwest on October 19th to be ready for the workshop the next morning. We were so pleasantly surprised by Pass A Grille and the little house we called home for 4 days. You could look to the left and see the Gulf and look to the right and see the Bay. We were a short walk from each beach! How perfect can you get, right? 

Berkely Beach House where we stayed.

Once we got settled in we walked to the Gulf side of the beach. We collected shells, took photos, drew in the sand, and headed back "home" to get dinner and rest so we'd be ready for the next day.

Gulf side of Pass A Grille Beach

The next morning Mom and I took off to Suntan Art Center to get our Paint Mojo on. We stepped in the door to see Tracy and e'Layne's smiling faces first thing. e'Layne was our host for the weekend. Both were so welcoming! Tracy even gave us both a big hug. What a sweetheart she is! e'Layne, too! From there we started setting up our spots in class and meeting our friendly classmates, one by one. I was set up between Mom and the person who would soon become known as my long lost soul sister, Melissa.

Panoramic shot of the classroom.

Once we were all set up and ready to learn, Tracy started class by taking us down to the beach for "Circle Time" in the sand.

Circle Time on the beach.

It was just too perfect of a scene to describe. We were on the beach with like minded creatives and soon to be friends and our view in all directions was extreme beauty. In one direction we had the Don Cesar Hotel, which you just have to see to appreciate, and in the opposite direction is beautiful St. Pete Beach. The weather was as close to perfect as you could ask for and the excitement coming from each of us was just unreal. I was incredibly nervous, because that's just how I am in new situations with a crowd of people. That's just my introvert way. Tracy had us introduce ourselves and explain why we were there. My nerves increased as it got closer to my turn to speak. I kept it short, explaining that I was there to try to loosen up and enjoy the process instead of being so much of a perfectionist that the fun is lost. I wasn't the only one there for that, by the way. Mom went after me and got a laugh by saying she wanted to be a "loose woman". *giggle* Of course she meant in painting, not in life. But you knew that. So Tracy then took over telling us what to expect from class and after that circle time was over. We headed back up to the classroom.

The pink building is The Don Cesar.

The actual class"work" is going to be hard to describe as I don't want to give any of Tracy's class away. You'll have to attend a Paint Mojo to get that kind of detail. I will share a few photos with you, though, as I don't think that will give away her process or techniques.

Mom working on her lovely painting.

The lovely Tracy and I.

Melissa working on her beautiful painting.

Tracy demoing inks.

Tracy's gorgeous finished painting

Me, Mom, and Melissa. Taken by Melissa's husband, Rob.

I was incredibly blessed by everything to do with this weekend. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything at all. I went into the weekend hoping to take home some fancy new art techniques and have some fun, which I did. But I gained much, much more than that. I had an unforgettable creative experience. I was able to share it with Mom. I met a new/old friend in Melissa. We met and were instant old friends. And she lives close enough for us to hang out regularly, so you'll be hearing about her from now on. I met lots of other new forever friends. Seriously, there wasn't a dud in our group. All of them were so kind and generous. I just can't even remember all of the great things about Paint Mojo St. Pete 2013, but I can tell you that it was special in the most awesome of ways. I hope to be able to do it again when Tracy returns to the United States.

I worked on my painting more once I got home. Here's how it looks now.

Thank you, Tracy, e'Layne, and anyone else having to do with bringing the weekend together! I hope to see you all again soon!

Wednesday, October 2

Low Carb Dinner and A Movie

First the dinner...
September 7th marked three years of me living a low carb lifestyle. It has served me well. It's the only diet that actually moved the scale for me. I started out with this book. It was the best decision I've ever made for my dietary health.

Now for the  movie...
I tried out my camcorder again for an art video. I learned a lot from the experience.

1. Definitely set the device to Time Lapse. Nobody's going to watch a 30  minute video. And apparently it can't be fast forwarded any faster than this in the editing software.
2. Listen to the entire song before adding it to your video. (Hello sneaky F Bomb)
3. Try not to focus so much on the camera so you can focus on making the art. Otherwise you'll completely forget what you're doing. (Yep, I have stage fright.)

Anyway, I apologize for the F Bomb at 25:12. The entire video is 27:28 minutes. You may want to take a potty break if you intend to watch the entire thing at once. I promise I will keep it shorter (like less than half) for future videos.

DSC_8384 copy

Sunday, September 1

My August 2013 in Photos

August of 2013 is gone and September is here! I've continued to document my days in the form of photos, so here's my calendar and a little movie I created with the photos. I used iMovie from my Mac, which I haven't used in a while. I have some re-learning to do. I don't like how it cuts off the top and bottom of the photos. I'll get it all figured out eventually. For now, this will do. If you have any questions about the photos, just leave me a comment. ;-)


Wednesday, August 21

Random Moments Video

My mind has been a bit unorganized lately. It still is, actually, so I'm keeping this short. I made a video to practice with the iMovie iPhone app. It's a bunch of random moments from today strung together with a catchy tune added and some fading transitions in between. Also, there's a peek at my art table that REALLY needs to be cleaned. Don't judge me!

Thursday, August 1

What Does A Good Mail Day Look Like To An Artist?

Answer: This...

Thank you, Dick Blick! Look at all of that juicy, Golden goodness! Art supply shopping is my crack. I always enjoy seeing other artists' studios, work tables, and art supply choices, so I'm sharing for others who enjoy it, too.

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Wednesday, July 31

July Face Challenge: Complete!

Here she is! The girl that brings my personal challenge to create a face a day to an end!

She's painted on sheet music that I glued down to cardboard using gel medium. I do plan to complete this painting. The face, though, was the challenge. I wanted her to match the other photos, so I stopped before doing a background.

The above photo, as well as all of the other squared photos I've shared during this challenge, were taken with Hipstamatic or Hipstamatic's Oogl app. Both are made by the same people and results are the same.

The Calendar in the first image is from the Collect Photo App. It reminds you to get your photo for each day.

This photo is an unedited iPhone photo using the standard camera app. The Hipstamatic photos blow out some of the detail in the paintings, so once I got started sharing photos with that app I regretted it. I wanted to be consistent, though. Ya live, ya learn, right?!

I don't think I'll be doing any challenges in August, but I do plan to keep up this momentum of painting daily/most days.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Tuesday, July 30

2 More Girlies and 1 To Go

Yep, I've almost finished my July challenge! Just 1 more girlie to go! Yay! I'm kind of ready to move on to something else. Even if it's just a complete girlie on an actual painting.

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Monday, July 29

Flowers and Girlies

Joel gave me flowers. Aren't they pretty! He surprises me randomly with things like this. He's a keeper. :)

I'm glad I have the flower photo to share, because the last 2 girlies aren't much to look at. I guess the black haired girl is ok-ish, but neither really turned out right. I've been trying new paint colors and brands along with different techniques. Sometimes it works, but not in the last few days.

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Friday, July 26

2 More Girlies In my Art Journal

This girl might be my favorite so far. I love the pink haired girls the most, and this one most of all. She's from yesterday.

The girl from today gave me a little trouble. I can definitely notice a difference in them on the days I'm hungry, tired, in a rush, or have a lot on my mind. I should have had dinner and a nap before this one. But all in all I do still like how she turned out.

Both of these girls are larger than any of the others. That's why there's only 2 to 1 page. 

In other exciting news, I just booked my spot in Tracy Verdugo's Paint Mojo Workshop in St. Pete Beach this October!! Woohoo!!! I can't wait! If she gets another free spot in the class between now and then Mom will go with me! Yay! I'm hoping to stay on the beach. Is it October yet?!!


Wednesday, July 24

3 More Cuties

I have 3 more girlies to share with you today. 2 that I actually like. 1 that, let's just say, I learned from. Haha! The poor little blond girl that I painted earlier today isn't so good. I tried a few new things with her and the new things aren't keepers. But that's how you learn, right? I really do love the other 2, so I'm not beating myself up over the last girl.

July 22 Girl

July 23 Girl

July 24 Girl

Have a great hump day!

Monday, July 22

Continuing On

I'm still having fun creating these cutie characters. 

Here are the latest...

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, July 17


Here are some girlies from the past few days. All of them are done on heavy, mixed media paper. I used craft paints, watercolor crayons, pen, pencil, and charcoal. The photos were taken using the Oogl app on my phone.

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