Yesterday I visited the Michaels in Altamonte Springs. I always love shopping there. There's a little bit of everything for the creative soul. I was almost finished choosing my loot carefully when I came across a set of Winsor & Newton Inks. The set contains 8 colors for $32. I used my 40% off coupon to bring it down to around $19. So, I get home, open up my black, canvas Michaels bag, open up my ink set so I can play, and realize the red ink is half empty. I immediately remembered that this was the last set at the store. Also, the store is around 45-50 minutes away. I'm not driving that distance for half a bottle of ink. I was way too excited to take the set back anyway. I was ready to play. So I typed up an email I found on the
http://www.winsornewton.com/ web site and sent it off explaining the problem. I included photos and an image of the receipt from only a few hours earlier. I was ready to write off that half a bottle. To my surprise, , though, I opened up my email bright and early this morning to find they'll be sending me a new bottle at no charge to me. Now THAT is customer service I can appreciate!

Ohhhh, and the inks.....the beautiful inks! Do you have some of these? I had no idea how brilliantly vibrant these inks would be! I did some fooling around in my journal last night and just fell in love with them! I can fully support a company that has awesome products AND will take care of their customers promptly like that, too.
In other news, I have my Sketchbook Project journal, so look for those images coming to a blog near you soon. Wish me luck with it as I'm a little intimidated by some of the images I've seen from other artists and from the sheer volume of empty pages.
Until next time....wishing you lots of X's & O's!
Wow! That is good service! The next time I'm in the market for inks, I'll have to remember this!
I just got my sketchbook. Lots of pages to fill! I don't think I'll check out anyone else's work. Hard enough to start, that blank page can cause it's own anxiety.
I've decided to make the sketchbook for me, not so much for an audience. From Flying Lessons, be you.
I was eyeing up those same inks. I was looking for Pearlescent liquid acrylic. They come in ink bottles and look like metalic ink. I can't find them in local stores. I highly recommend them. I think I saw Dick Blick has them.
My goal today is to start my first page. Just yelled at kids so...not in a good frame of mind. I read two blogs this week were artist mom's were having meltdowns over kids, so I'm not alone!
good luck with your first page.
Katie, I was so surprised they didn't put up a fight and tell me no. I'm always expecting the worst I guess.
Jill, that's a good plan not to look at other artists sketchbooks. I shouldn't have, but it's so tempting. lol
And you're right....we should follow our flying lessons and do the sketchbook for ourselves and not an audience. THANK YOU for reminding me. That helps take some of the anxiety away.
Oh, another item for my "to-buy" list! Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for the luck wish! Sending you wishes of luck, too, for not having a kid meltdown.
The Inks look very interesting. I use my eraser to much to use them though...lol Anxious to see your book!
Good for you with the red ink....
Love ya Heapes, Bibbi
ooooh! Those inks look yummy! I want to get some!
Oh, how lovely! I can't believe you got the set so cheap, they are pretty expensive in Australia. I bought a nice violet Winsor and Newton ink last week for $8, just one little bottle!
I love these too..the colors are awesome...I just find that if I display the work ..the colors fade as they are not fade resistant....they are certainly great for journals though...I love Winsor and newton watercolors too...just amazing color...Nice to meet you have a great day..!
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