Monday, February 16

Some of my latest creations

One of my recent paintings that will soon be in my Etsy shop was inspired by Ms. Penny Longbelly. It's called, Polk-A-Doxie. Pink Polk-A-Doxie, to be specific, because I plan to do more in different colors. The colors are a bit off in the photos I'm sure as I'm using my laptop and the monitor needs calibrating severely bad! I can never tell how bad the colors are off till I see the posts on my desktop. I'm too lazy to do the photo editing on there tonight, though. So anyway, here are the photos...

One more:
And here's a photo of a dolly I made. She's in love. See the daisy that her love sent her?
She's a school teacher. Can't you tell by the outfit? Isn't she proper looking?


Bibbi's Boggled Bloggle (say that three times fast) said...

Great job on all!
Is this Ms. Dololly, the teacher? She looks like she is really just swooooning with love. Eu la la. Maybe you should make her a Romeo. lol
Are you going to make different colored Doxies or just the background in different colors and or both? Am I full of questions or what? lol
I really do love them all!
Love ya Heapes, Mama

Janine said...

Wow your doll, she is just beautiful!

Your dotted doxie is so cute!

Sharon-SkiesArt said...

Excellent doll.....
I didn't know you were doing another one... I really like her.
is she the sandbottom one?

doxie's in colors... great idea
toooooo cute


Anonymous said...

i absolutely adore that doll!!