....no, it's not what you think when you read the title. I don't swing that way. ;-) I finished my painting, finally, and she's a "Dream Girl". I would have finished her a week ago except I caught an ugly bug from my darling hubby. It's not the nicest thing he's ever given to me, but he didn't mean to pass it on.
Here's the finished Dreamer.....
Everything is done except the stars will go on as I apply the wax. It's hard to see in the photos, but every other house is made of modeling paste. There is also sparkle paint over the crown and the edges are painted black.
Some close-ups...

Hey, look at that! They're not at the top of the post! I clicked the image and dragged it down. Now if only I can remember that for next time. lol
Thanks for stopping by!
She's beautiful! I can't decide if I like her fab striped stockings or the precious little houses better. Great job!
Yes, yes, I do indeed love thrifting. Pretty much everything I own was somebody else's at some point. I like old ugly stuff that I can turn into something beautiful with a little work and love.
Also, thanks for the advice on the dress shopping. I tried on my first dress (eek!) this weekend and felt like a little kid playing dress up. I'm really hoping to find something that suits me AND my rather slim wallet.
Again, I love your sweet little girl. Too cute for words. :)
She is very cute. Like Katie, I like her cute little stockings. Nina will like her princess crown. She says that when she grows up, she wants to be a princess. lol Looks like you are having a good time with your creations. Keep it going and have fun.
Love ya Heapes, Bibbi
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